Waist to Hip Ratio Calculator

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Below this page, you can also find the answers for frequently asked questions about this subject.
Waist to Hip Ratio Calculator
* Required fields.
Note: Waist size should be taken from the thinnest part of the waist and hip should be taken from the widest part of the hip.
  1. cm
    (e.g 93.4)
  2. cm
    (e.g 103.5)

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What is the waist / hip ratio?

Waist circumference is the ratio of hip circumference. As a result of scientific studies, this value is measured and the risk level of potential health problems that individuals may face in the future can be easily determined. According to the scientists' studies, it gives quite accurate results about the risk of an individual's health problem since it shows in which part of the body the excess weight is collected. Experts recommend that it is calculated at least quarterly and followed up regularly.

How is it calculated?

It is calculated by dividing the measure taken from the thinnest part of the waist to the measure taken from the widest part of the hip.

What is the ideal ratio in women?

The safest range for women is 0.8 and less. As a result of the research, it was found that women with 0.7 percent were more attractive by men.

What is the ideal ratio for men?

The safest range for men is 0.95 and below.

How are rates evaluated in women?

Cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, Alzheimer etc. in women. The risk of developing chronic diseases varies as follows.

  • 0.80 and below: Low level of health risk
  • 0.81 - 0.84: Moderate level of health risk
  • 0.85 and above: High level of health risk

How are rates evaluated in men?

In men, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, Alzheimer's, etc. The risk of developing chronic diseases varies as follows.

  • 0.95 and below: Low level of health risk
  • 0.96 - 1.0: Moderate level of health risk
  • 1.01 and above: High level of health risk

What kind of health problems cause waist thickening?

The main problem that leads to the expansion of the waist circumference is the fat in the abdomen, that is, the fat collected in the abdomen. These fats are practically defined as intra-abdominal fats. This type of fat accumulation brings with it very important health risks.

Abdominal enlargement or increased waist / hip ratio adversely affect some health tests. Cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and diabetes are more common in people with high numbers. It is stated that Alzheimer's disease, some cancers and problems related to decrease in sexual power may be seen with higher probability in these people.

How to measure waist?

It should be taken from the thinnest part of the waist. This location is usually located slightly above the navel. It can also be defined as the midpoint of the place where the hips begin with the end of the ribs. When measuring, a flexible measuring tape should be used instead of a metal measuring instrument and should be measured comfortably without squeezing the tape and waist.

How to take a hip measurement?

It should be taken from the widest part of the hip. When measuring, a flexible measuring tape should be used instead of a metal measuring instrument and should be measured comfortably without squeezing the tape and waist.